Nelivigi Eye Hospital : 450/435/10, Behind Kanthi sweets, Opposite Bangalore Central Mall, Bellandur Circle, ORR, Bangalore - 560 103.

How to live with Glaucoma?

Best Eye Specialist in Bangalore | Dr. Sirish Nelivigi | Nelivigi Eye Hospital 

It is said that Glaucoma is something that cannot be completely cured, and it is true! The scarier part is that it shows no symptoms in the early stage. The vision loss starts growing intense with time, and it silently steals the eyesight completely.  

Patients and their family members develop panic when they get to know about Glaucoma. Indeed, it’s difficult to digest the fact that there are no methods that can be used to cure Glaucoma completely. Once a person is affected by Glaucoma, they have to survive with it for their entire life.  

Glaucoma is caused when the extra fluid that builds up in front of the eyes puts pressure on the optic nerve and damages it. The condition becomes more complex if Glaucoma is not treated in the early stages. It can lead to blindness.   

During this glaucoma awareness month, let’s talk about certain coping mechanisms that may be helpful for patients who are suffering from Glaucoma. Let’s learn about them.  
Glaucoma and coping strategies 

Let us find out the modifications that are required to live with Glaucoma.  

  • Regularly visiting an ophthalmologist in Bellandur, Bangalore 
Regular eye checkups help in detecting Glaucoma at an early stage. It reduces the intensity of the condition and slows down its effect on eyesight. Also, when patients are detected with Glaucoma, they should visit an ophthalmologist religiously. Through regular eye examination, eye specialists in Bangalore can understand the present condition and how much Glaucoma has progressed, helping them to determine the appropriate methods of treatment. 

  • Don’t forget to take medicines 
Medication is prescribed to patients according to their present eye condition. Don’t forget to take medicines in a timely manner as per the dosage recommended by doctors. The medicines decrease the pressure on the eyes, which is responsible for the occurrence of Glaucoma.  

  • Lead a stress-free life 
Stress can have an adverse effect on eyesight. Increased stress can put pressure on the nerve and affect vision. A few things that can be effective for all individuals to avoid stress are yoga sessions or meditation practices. Also, getting involved in favorite activities like listening to music or learning to play musical instruments can help reduce stress. The point is that stress has become a part of life. The best way to deal with it is to engage in hobbies where individuals will find peace and happiness at the same time.  

  • Make adjustments at home 
Glaucoma patients find it difficult to navigate because of the decrease in their eyesight. It becomes challenging for them to carry on with their day-to-day activities. The outer environment is out of our hands. However, we can make adjustments at home to make life easier for glaucoma patients. Some ways are to make the floor spacious, ensure proper lighting in the home, and remove any obstacles that may lead to accidents.  

Glaucoma is indeed a complicated eye condition, but there are strategies to manage the condition effectively. This glaucoma awareness month, let us understand the importance of visiting an eye specialist in Bangalore for regular eye checkups. Remember, early detection may not help you to cure the condition, but it can save you from complete vision loss.